Media, innovation, and entertainment in WYgroup’s Beach Talks

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Summertime asks for relaxed conversations with interesting people, even about complex subjects.

This is the spirit of “Conversas de Praia” a.k.a. WYgroup’s Beach Talks, an initiative in partnership with ECO, which takes place in July and August.

The first season of “Conversas de Praia” includes a set of six episodes where the personal visions and perspectives of various professionals who have been dedicated to communication, companies, and brands are set. These will be cross-cutting themes – technology, innovation, communication, media, entertainment – with the personal vision of those who already have a rich and accumulated experience to share funny stories, successes, failures, visions of the future, or intuitions about what is to come. WYgroup’s “Beach Talks” will take place during July and August, every Tuesday, at 11 am, with transmission on ECO’s Facebook, starting from July 6th.

You can also see everything on WYgroup’s Youtube Channel.

Stay tuned!