Whistleblower Channel



Code of Conduct and Ethics

This Code of Conduct and Ethics was created to guide our employees on the principles and values we defend.

Here, you will find a Portuguese document with clear and practical guidelines that will help you understand and respect the established ethical policies.

We believe that an ethical culture is essential to creating solid relationships not only among ourselves but with our customers and partners. For this to happen, we believe it’s crucial to have a document that unifies and guides these practices and principles.

As a Group, we have a responsibility to make a difference in the society in which we operate. By following best ethical and behavioral practices, we are actively contributing to an even healthier business environment, sustainable growth, and building lasting trust relationships with everyone we are lucky enough to come across.
This is us. Welcome to WYgroup!

Whistleblower Channel

The Whistleblower Channel is an anonymous platform that has been created to gather any practices and conduct that are not following our principles and values. This complaint will only be seen by two WYgroup’s Senior Managers who will inform the Group’s Legal Officer and/or the authorities, depending on the type of complaint reported. If you want them to be aware of your identity so that you can follow your process, they will guarantee complete confidentiality.

Share your concern with us.