Uma iniciativa da Fundação do Gil que ajudará a facilitar diálogos familiares e apoiar a saúde mental infantil. Esta iniciativa não só proporcionará uma ferramenta inovadora para fortalecer laços familiares como também verter para as causa sociais da Fundação.

‘O Oceano das Emoções’

White Way logo
White Way

O Oceano das Emoções is Fundação do Gil’s initiative to promote family dialogue and children’s mental health: not only will it be an innovative way to strengthen family bonds, but it will also support the Foundation’s social objectives.

Fundação do Gil has developed a conversation card game, entitled “O Oceano das Emoções” – that means ‘The Ocean of Emotions’ – to promote dialogue between families, their emotional well-being, and children’s mental health. In addition to asserting itself as an innovative pedagogical tool, this initiative is part of Fundação do Gil’s broader commitment to the social and childhood areas.

Dedicated to facilitating open dialogues, “O Oceano das Emoções” is a game developed as a tool to talk about emotions and family challenges. The objective is to create a unique experience that contributes to greater closeness between family members and strengthens their bonds.

With 48 game cards and two rules cards, “O Oceano das Emoções” uses clever questions and captivating illustrations to encourage players to share their feelings and concerns openly. Designed for groups of 2 to 8 people, it is recommended for anyone over 4 years of age to ensure an adequate understanding of the various topics covered.
Additionally, the creative game was developed by White Way, a creativity agency that has supported the Foundation since 2022. All illustrations were developed from scratch for this purpose, which made the project cherished by the agency and everyone involved.

Patrícia Boura, Executive President of Fundação do Gil, states: “This game is part of a merchandising line aligned with our mission and our concerns, namely with the new Clínica do Gil project. I hope families enjoy these letters as much as we do.”

Available for purchase at ZIPPY and Note stores, this game also has a social nature. The total value of the sales margin goes entirely to Fundação do Gil, an entity that plays a crucial role in pediatric health, its most recent project being Clínica do Gil. Clínica do Gil is a space that provides vital support, with a team of specialized therapists, to support children and their families who face significant difficulties in terms of school and social integration or who present other issues related to mental health. This project covers physical, emotional, and behavioral problems, highlighting Fundação do Gil’s commitment to promoting the integral well-being of children and their families.

By purchasing “O Oceano das Emoções”, families not only enrich their experiences but also directly contribute to the continuity of this type of initiatives promoted by Fundação do Gil, in the area of mental health.