
Cybersecurity at WYgroup

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Cybersecurity is one of the most pressing issues in the digital age, especially for companies operating in the areas of creativity, technology, and digital media, where exposure to cyber threats is significant.

In this article, I will address these fundamental principles and present a set of preventive measures that all users should follow to mitigate risks.

Basic Principles of Cybersecurity:

Awareness: All employees need to be aware of cyber risks. Promoting a culture of digital security through training sessions and internal communication helps build an initial line of defense.

Protection against Malware: Installing antivirus and antimalware software is crucial, along with regularly updating all devices. Users should be cautious about the dangers of opening attachments from unknown emails or downloading software from untrusted sources.

Updates and Patches: Keeping operating systems, software, and applications up to date is critical. Updates often fix known vulnerabilities, making systems less prone to attacks.

Acess Control: For everyone’s safety, each user should have the necessary permissions to perform their tasks. Existing locks are justified by the risks that may be involved.

Regular Backup: Regularly backing up critical data is an effective strategy. In the event of an attack, data recovery from backups minimizes losses. We should periodically test data restoration to ensure its effectiveness and protection in case of real need.

Preventive Measures for Users:

Strong Passwords: Using strong passwords and changing them regularly is crucial. Avoid using obvious personal information and whenever possible use a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Two-factor authentication is crucial because it adds an extra layer of security, requiring additional verification beyond login credentials. This should be done for all devices, even personal ones.

Secure Browsing: Unnecessary risks associated with suspicious links or visiting unsecure websites should be avoided, always use secure browsers and install security extensions if necessary.

Secure E-mails: Pay close attention to opening links from unknown emails and always avoid following links or downloading suspicious attachments. The authenticity of emails should always be verified, especially those requesting sensitive information. Always pay attention not only to the sender’s name but also to the entire sending address or the address of the site to which you are redirected.

Mobile Devices: Enhanced security on mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, is increasingly important. This includes installing security applications, activating PIN codes or biometrics, and implementing secure Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies.

By adopting these principles and preventive measures, WYgroup will be better equipped to face the constant challenges of the current cyber landscape. Cybersecurity should be a continuous priority, adapting to technological advancements and new threats that may arise. And it is everyone’s role to help in this challenging task.

João Galhardas

Chief Information Security Officer at WYgroup